Virginia College Building Authority Bonds

Issuer Overview
Virginia College Building Authority Bonds

Issuer Type: Higher Education


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Issuer Overview
Virginia College Building Authority Bonds

Issuer Type: Higher Education


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Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

Welcome to the Virginia College Building Authority’s (VCBA) investor website.  We appreciate your interest in VCBA bonds and your investment in the future of our Commonwealth.  Your investment is supporting a wide range of higher education projects.  Just as you believe these projects are important and worthy of your capital investment, we believe it is important to provide you with a website designed to facilitate the disclosure of documents and other information you might appreciate as you monitor your investment.      

Thank you for visiting our VCBA investor portal.  Please explore our main Commonwealth of Virginia site and our General Obligation, Virginia Public Building Authority and Virginia Public School Authority sites.  If you have any questions regarding our bond programs, please contact me or my staff.

Dave RichardsonState Treasurer